NExTGEN Journeys

Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders


“My Family Has the Opportunity to Change the World.”

This statement was made by an individual whose family, through a world health initiative, truly has the power to accomplish this. Perhaps not every wealthy family has the ability to change the entire world, but all have the ability to influence positive change within their communities.

We are in the midst of the Great Wealth Transfer. It is estimated that over the next twenty-give years, $30 Trillion will be transferred from the Baby Boomer Generation to Generation Xers and Millennials. Will these wealth inheritors be prepared to provide the same community leadership as their predecessors?

Those who are fortunate enough to be inheritors of substantial family wealth are certainly “the lucky ones” Their wealth opens many doors for opportunity and economic security. However, as much as we seek to improve future generations by setting them up for success, there are certain elements that may be missed in effort to support loved ones. Increased wealth inherently leads to increased access to some aspects of ease. As individuals live less and less out of the requirements for survival, emotional resiliency wanes as exposure to excess increases.

Family members face immense challenges as they confront the Great Wealth Transfer. How will values of entrepreneurship, community service, and resiliency be taught to second, third, and fourth generations of inheritors? How do inheritors shape their own self-worth and identity when they live in the cloud of a perceived identity defined by their last name and DNA? How does an inheritor of wealth appreciate its value if they have not had to fight for their professional title? Because our global future will ultimately be shaped by these future generations, it is imperative that we equip them with the tools necessary for success.
